Mayday 3DNA review
Last night went to 1 Borneo GSC to watch Mayday 3DNA! Was planning to watch at Taipei but didn't have the time so rush all the way to GSC last night just to catch the 9.30pm showing. This is my second concert movie after GLEE 3D.
Been listening to their advertisement on TV at Taipei ever since I reach there.
Billed as a "concept film" MAYDAY 3DNA combines play from the group's DNA concert tour in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and China 2010 and interweaves that with three fictional stories.
The fictional sequences include a vignette about a Guangzhou father and daughter; another about a Taiwan taxi driver and passenger; and a third about a Shanghai delivery boy. All are affected by the lure of a Mayday gathering and the three separate stories intersect at one particular Mayday concert in Shanghai.
Established in Taiwan in the late 1990s, Mayday has remained popular for over a decade by tuning into a Taiwan youth beat and pushing rock music in Greater China. Most songs are performed in Mandarin with some Taiwanese Hokkien tracks by band.
The fictional sequences include a vignette about a Guangzhou father and daughter; another about a Taiwan taxi driver and passenger; and a third about a Shanghai delivery boy. All are affected by the lure of a Mayday gathering and the three separate stories intersect at one particular Mayday concert in Shanghai.
Established in Taiwan in the late 1990s, Mayday has remained popular for over a decade by tuning into a Taiwan youth beat and pushing rock music in Greater China. Most songs are performed in Mandarin with some Taiwanese Hokkien tracks by band.
我不想做梦,我想追上梦!结合演唱会Live表演与故事剧情,九月将上映的电影《五月天 3DNA追梦》,我想又会掀起一股国片热潮吧,尤其是里头温馨感人的励志情节,光是看完预告片心中就激起不小的涟漪。剧情包括三段故事,广州一个经营咖哩鱼蛋小吃铺的父亲,虽然拥有一身拿手厨艺,可是面对自己宝贝女儿的热情追星却束手无策;深夜在台北,一名情伤的计程车司机碰到一名神秘女乘客,两个人在街头展开奇异大冒险;在上海,勤奋的年轻快递员,每天在街头巷弄间穿梭努力工作,最大的心愿就是赶快存够钱,带妹妹去听一场五月天的演唱会···。
Some shot from the movie. They actually missed 36 taxis? LOL
The concert scene!
The Trailer too
My verdict: Overall I enjoyed the show but my mum didn't. LOL. She slept in the cinema.
Most probably is the volume not loud enough and less than 10 person in the cinema >_<
6 out of 10 stars!
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