How to earn money from the internet by tweeting

Maybe this will refresh your memory a little

Tips are after the jump!
First, you need to get yourself a twitter account from
Next, you need to follow @cutebun (optional) XD
Then you join ChurpChurp & other advertising company
Lastly, share links that your followers will be interested of then they will click and see the link.
Result: You earn money from their interest in your shared links. 

Did you know how I won myself RM200? 
I won it by joining a contest in twitter by @FlyFM989 and with the #tweetdrive

Recently I won a limited edition bottle opener from @KronenbourgMY

Now, how to earn money? Join  ChurpChurp 

You can earn money by sharing links and also tweeting! Easy? If you want to know more than 1 channel to earn, you can tweet me @cutebun to ask for more info! 
I don't earn a lot but I'm sure you can earn more than I am!

My advice to earn more than just money from the internet, be alert! You never know that you can be the lucky one to win mobile phones, invites and prizes as well! 

I also won a mobile phone this September in a random draw on twitter by @ZTEMalaysia 
You can too, you just need to use twitter and follow the right twitter handlers (*hint* me) to get information on contests and way to earn money! =P

Remember, you can earn from blogging as well but I earn mostly from tweeting and sharing links on social networks. 

If you too wish to win contest and prizes do make the effort to join in first. =)

Happy earning! 


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