From Sunrise to Night in Vietnam

This is a random short post that showcase my photography. 
I actually wanted to show you a combination of my phone photos, digital camera and also film camera photos in this single post! A fun thing to do here is to identify which is which. XD 

Sun is hiding behind those buildings


Lighting up

Lights up!

We go back to step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Tadaaa... full sunrise!

Night ahead!
 Taken at Shri - The only rooftop lounge in Ho Chi Minh City

This is taken from where I stayed. I stayed at The Manor Apartment. 

 I like the shaky light effects. 

Let's move on straight to the night! 

Thank you for viewing! Been busy working lately and haven't got the time to update a lot. 
Will write more soon! 
Til then. XOXO


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