Mike's fear factor challenge

Last Sunday, I went to MBKS to watch Mike competing in the Fear Factor challenge organize by Taska Krista.
Lots of children having colouring competition on the other side of the court.

Everyone is waiting for the challenge to start

While the teachers are busy moving the children over.

Mike is the one in blue shirt!

Worms! All the way from Peninsular Malaysia!

Smelly worms

They are suppose to be the fastest 7 to suck the worm from point A to B using a straw

The straws are the ones we use to drink Pearl Milk Tea

I saw some contestants even suck the worm all the way into their mouth. *Yuck!* They feel like vomitting too. LOL
Second challenge
Can you guess what's inside?
They must catch one frog dead or alive and run to the respective chairs.
So many guys compete! All rushing towards that small box
I only watch the event until second round cos Mike got eliminated. He's at a major disadvantage then, all the other guys were bigger size than he is. All of them cause the frogs to jump out of the box and jump all over the court!

All well, after that I went to Yuan Carnival~ =P Hope to see Fear Factor challenge again next year!


  1. The guy in blue that's sucking the worm is not me! :(

  2. Oops~ Erm.. Wait my films developed then shall update this post!


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